Accepting Your Financial Aid Offer

Accepting Your Financial Aid Offer at AU

Prospective Students: Use the steps below to access your financial aid portal. Your financial aid portal is where you can view your financial aid offer, accept your aid and receive communications regarding documents needed.

→ If you have already submitted your enrollment deposit and received access to your email, log into the portal and skip to step 4.

→ If you don't have an ole email address yet, follow steps 1-5 below:

Students on Campus 2024
  1. Search your email for a message from Augustana Financial Aid with the subject "Augustana Financial Aid Portal — Access Information."
  2. If you haven’t already done so, click the link to create your account and follow the directions provided in the email. 
  3. Have your account already? Log in.
  4. Review missing items by clicking on "Documents requiring attention."
  5. To view and accept the aid offered, click on the name of each item offered and click "accept," "decline" or "reduce the total award." If the aid is in green, it has already been accepted for you; you will need to make a decision on the aid that is in red.