Satisfactory Academic Progress

Academic progress is monitored by the Registrar's Office, to ensure that students are making satisfactory progress toward a degree. In addition, students on federal financial aid are monitored by the Financial Aid Office to ensure they are meeting additional standards set forth by federal regulations (Section 668.34).

 Required GPA for DegreeCompletion Percentage of Courses Attempted (Pace)Required Credits to Complete ProgramMaximum Timeframe for Completion
All Undergraduate Majors1.5 (0-27.99 credits)
1.75 (28-57.99 credits)
2.0 (58+ credits)
Accounting (MPA)3.067%3045
AdltGero AcutCre NP3.067%4669
AdltGero ClinNrs Spec3.067%4669
Athletic Training (MS)3.067%5481
Augie Access2.067%72108
Business Admin (MBA)3.067%3958.5
Education (M.Ed.)3.067%3045
Genetic Counseling3.067%6293
Nursing (Accelerated)3.067%4770.5
Physical Therapy3.067%113170
Special Education (M)3.067%3045
Sports Admin & Leader (MA)3.067%3349.5

The pace requirement for both undergraduate and graduate students is 67%. This means the student must complete at least 67% of the coursework attempted. Transfer hours accepted by the University are included in this calculation, both in the completed and the attempted hours. Grades of A+ through D- and S or VS are considered successful completion of the course. Grades of F, W, U, VU or I are considered unsuccessful completion. All letter grades, S/U grades, and incompletes are used in both the GPA and pace calculation. Repeated courses are included only once in both the GPA and pace calculations.

In the event a student changes their major, all credits taken in the previous major are included in the SAP calculation. Similarly, all credits taken as part of any major or minor are included in the calculation.

Students who exceed 150% of the published program length will be ineligible for federal aid. For example, if a program requires 124 credit hours for completion, the maximum time frame for funding the student is up to 186 credit hours. These criteria are determined based on completed credit hours.