Don't Cancel That Class Program

The Don’t Cancel That Class Program is designed with today’s student in mind. The presentations presented are in an interactive format, utilizing technology and group work to assist in student learning and participation.

This program is in no way a replacement for your field expertise — it is merely a way for students to engage in softer-skill development and learn about campus resources available to them. If you need to be away from class due to a professional or personal conflict, you can schedule a presentation from some different departments on campus. Professionals can cover your class and present on various topics relevant to college students.

We request that faculty provide two weeks' notice for presentation requests.

How it Works

Selected presenter will meet with your class, take attendance, present a topic of your choice from our menu and evaluate the workshop.  Afterward, the presenter provides you with a copy of the attendance record and any handouts utilized for the presentation.

Below is a list of the currently offered presentations the AU community can provide. If you have any questions regarding the submitted submissions, please contact the Dean of Students Office.

Presentation topics include: Diversity and Inclusion, Self-awareness and Self management, Safety and Protection, Healthy Relationships, Time Management, Positive Communication, Reporting Concerning Behavior, Test and Study Skills, Dealing with Depression and Anxiety in College and much more.

All workshops are approximately 50 minutes in length and are adaptable to any student classification.

Presentation information *Please select three desired options, mainly for the availability of presenters. To do so, please hold Ctrl on the keyboard while selecting each topic.