An Augustana University parking permit is required to park in parking lots on campus. Those who wish to park a vehicle on campus must purchase a parking permit every year. Permits are distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students have the option of requesting a permit for the parking area designated for their housing placement (residence hall, theme house, apartment) or for the Kirkeby-Over (K-O) Stadium parking lot.

Student Parking Permits
Parking Permit Request Period
- Seniors | June 26 | 8 a.m.
- Juniors | June 27 | 8 a.m.
- Sophomores | June 28 | 8 a.m.
- First-Year Students | July 1 | 8 a.m.
Parking Permits for theme houses are included in the resident housing contract, but still must be requested online. The Parking Permit Request Form will be available on the portal through Friday, Aug. 23. Following this date, all permit inquiries must go through the Nelson Service Center. Permits will be issued on a first-come, first-serve basis based on the time and date of the form submission.
2024-25 Academic Year (September - May)
- Apartments or Residence Halls | $240/year
- Commuter & K-O Stadium Permits | $190/year
No parking permits are required in June, July or August. If you have a vehicle on campus during the summer, you still need to register your vehicle. Temporary permits are available for short-term use at the Augustana Department of Campus Safety and Nelson Service Center. This is ONLY for current year permit holders and visiting speakers or professors. Areas, such as fire lanes, delivery areas and overnight parking are enforced all year.

Steps to Request a Permit
To request a parking permit online, visit the portal:
- Log onto
- New students should select the “Incoming Students” tab, “Housing and Dining” tab and then select “Student Parking Permit Request Form.” Returning students should select the “Current Students” tab, “Student Info” tab, “Housing and Dining” tab and then select “Student Parking Permit Request Form.”
- When registering your vehicle, the following information is required: license plate no., state, make, model, color and year.
- A notification will be sent to your Augustana email address regarding the status of your request. If you do not receive the permit you requested, an option for a K-O Stadium permit will be available.
- After receiving your parking permit (with an adhesive back), they must be placed on the outside of the vehicle, in the upper left-hand corner of the rear window.
Parking permits can be returned during the academic year. The actual permit must be returned to receive a prorated refund applied to your student account. A waiting list is maintained for students wanting a permit during the academic year for an area near their designated housing placement. Spaces are evaluated and issued periodically throughout the academic year at a prorated cost upon availability.
Note | If the vehicle you registered changes, you must notify the Augustana Department of Campus Safety or Nelson Service Center. Permits reported as lost or stolen will be kept on record. Vehicles displaying a permit reported as lost or stolen are subject to immediate towing at the vehicle owner's expense.

Staff/Faculty Parking Permits
Staff and faculty must also register their vehicles to park on campus. Parking permits are issued at no cost, but an Augustana ID card is required. Permits can be obtained by registering your vehicle on the portal or by completing a Vehicle Registration Form in the Nelson Service Center.

Additional Parking Restrictions
- Overnight parking is not allowed in non-residence hall lots (commuter, faculty, staff and visitors). The non-residence academic "blue" parking lots are open AFTER 3 p.m. on Monday - Friday and on weekends if there are no conflicting events; no overnight parking is allowed.
- Visitor parking is designated by signs in some parking lots, but is limited. Non-permitted parking is allowed during events on campus in all academic parking lots and the Elmen Center parking lot. Vehicles blocking roadways and sidewalks, parked in the wrong lot, or otherwise improperly parked, will be ticketed and subject to towing. Visitor parking stalls are reserved exclusively for this purpose. Under no circumstances are current registered students considered visitors.
- Handicapped parking stalls are restricted by state law for use by handicapped persons only (these spaces are subject to city enforcement). All areas posted as fire lanes, service vehicles or reserved are restricted as posted (the spaces are subject to university and city enforcement; no exceptions are allowed. Vehicles parked in fire lanes are subject to immediate towing.)
- Due to the need for snow removal and maintenance parking in the "Blue" parking lots, all driveways, service entrances and circle drives don't allow for overnight parking or from 1-7 a.m.
Contact Us
Augustana University
Parking Permit Office
Nelson Service Center
2021 S. Menlo Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57197
All parking permit inquiries must go through the Parking Permit Office in the Nelson Service Center.