Amy Mroch, M.S.

Amy Mroch, M.S.

Assistant Professor of Genetic Counseling

School of Health Professions


M.S. in Medical Genetics, 2007, University of Cincinnati; B.S. in Human Biology, 2005, Michigan State University

Amy Mroch is a laboratory genetic counselor for Sanford Health, serving as a liaison between genetic laboratories and ordering providers, as well as contributing to the development of health care stewardship services. She earned a B.S. in human biology with a specialization in bioethics, humanities and society from Michigan State University, and a M.S. in medical genetics from the University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. Prior to her position with Sanford Health, Mroch was a pediatric genetic counselor at the Sanford Children's Specialty Clinic, followed by work as a cancer genetic counselor for both Spectrum Health Cancer Genetics and InformedDNA. In addition to her master's thesis research, which investigated religious views of genetic counselors, Mroch has conducted research with the Prenatal Alcohol and SIDS and Stillbirth (PASS) Network, including participating in a clinic in South Africa.