Matt Heesch, Ph.D., ACSM-EP

Matt Heesch, Ph.D., ACSM-EP

Assistant Professor of Exercise & Sport Sciences

School of Health Professions, Exercise & Sport Sciences Program


Ph.D. in Exercise Science, 2015, University of Nebraska at Omaha; M.S. in Exercise Science, 2012, University of Nebraska at Omaha; B.A. in Exercise Science and Biology, 2010, Augustana College


Dr. Matt Heesch joined Augustana University as an assistant professor of exercise & sport sciences (ESS) in August 2022. Heesch teaches a variety of ESS courses, including Physiology of Exercise, Current Topics in Exercise Science, Motor Development and Nutrition. Heesch's research focuses on better understanding the body's response to exercise stimuli, particularly at the cellular and molecular level, and how exercise may be used as a means of improving athletic performance and be utilized as a treatment for a number of chronic pathologies. Additionally, he is involved in researching new methods of improving anti-doping efforts to promote clean athletic competition.