Ranae Aukerman, DNP

Ranae Aukerman, DNP
Assistant Professor of Nursing
School of Health Professions, Nursing Program
DNP, 2017, University of Minnesota; NNP Certificate, 1990, South Dakota State University; B.A. in Nursing, 1981, Augustana College
Dr. Ranae Aukerman earned her bachelor's degree in nursing from Augustana College (University) and became a neonatal nurse practitioner through South Dakota State University, having a 30-year clinical practice in neonatology at Sanford Medical Center in Sioux Falls. Aukerman received a doctorate of nursing practice at the University of Minnesota with a focus on integrative health and healing. She is also a board certified advanced holistic nurse. Aukerman teaches leadership, research and evidence-based practice at the senior level. She is on the board of Augustana's chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, and is the international program coordinator for the nursing department.