Scott Fish, Ph.D.

Scott Fish, Ph.D.
Professor of French
Languages, Literatures & Cultures Department
Ph.D. in French, University of Wisconsin; M.A. in French, University of Minnesota; B.A. in Art and French, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Dr. Scott Fish earned a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. He teaches all levels of French language and Francophone cultures and literatures in the department's French program. His primary research interests include André Gide, autobiography and autobiographical theory, 17th-century theater, postcolonial Central and West African cinema and French fairy tales. He has published articles and given conference presentations on Gide, Beckett, French fairy tales and assessment of foreign languages, and authored a student edition of Charles Perrault's Les Contes de ma mère l'Oie (Newark: European Masterpiece, 2017). Fish has earned many awards for teaching, including the first Outstanding Faculty Recognition Award (2002) given by the Augustana student body, Teacher of the Year Award (2006) from the South Dakota World Languages Association and Vernon and Mildred Niebuhr Faculty Excellence Award (2017) for teaching excellence. Besides teaching at Augustana since 1995, Fish has also served as the National President of Pi Delta Phi, National French Honor Society since 2007 and is a past president of the South Dakota chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French.