
Jeffrey Miller

Professor of Journalism; Co-Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies

English & Journalism Department

Jeffrey Paul

Instructor of Oboe

School of Music

Jenna Domeischel

Instructor of Anthropology

Anthropology Department

Jennapher Lunde Seefeldt, Ph.D., M.A.

Associate Professor of Government & International Affairs

Government & International Affairs Department

Jennifer A. A. Gubbels, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Biology; Division Chair of Natural Sciences

Biology Department

Jennifer Gohl

Instructor of First-Year Seminar


Jeremy Hegg

Instructor of Piano

School of Music

Jessica Fuentes, PT, DPT, NCS

Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy

School of Health Professions

Jessica Lamb, M.A.

Program Director of Augie Access

Sharon Lust School of Education

Jetty Duffy-Matzner, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry

Chemistry & Biochemistry Department