Golden Vikings

Golden Vikings at AU

Golden Vikings is a group for retirees of Augustana University. The group includes staff, faculty, administrators and their spouses — supported financially by Augustana and its Office of Human Resources. Golden Vikings meets monthly to socialize and hosts presentations and programs intended to update members on the university and current events. The group also hosts occasional seasonal meals for a fee, such as a Christmas party and spring banquet.

Get Involved

  • Attend monthly meetings
  • Offer ideas on speakers and/or program topics
  • Volunteer on Golden Vikings Leadership Team
Golden Vikings Summer 2023

Upcoming Events

Golden Vikings extend a warm welcome to all retired faculty, staff and significant others to attend all meetings. Meetings are typically held in the University Welcome Center (UWC) Chapel, located at 2100 S. Summit Avenue. Refreshments begin at 10 a.m., with a program to follow at 10:30 a.m. Reservations are requested for the Christmas luncheon and spring banquet, along with a fee.

Wednesday, Feb. 7

  • Exercise Science: What Is It? What Do You Do With it? 
  • Dr. Sherry Barkley, Professor of Exercise & Sport Sciences, School of Health Professions

Wednesday, March 6 

  • Moving the Needle: Diversity & Inclusion at AU 
  • Willette Capers, Assistant Vice Provost for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Wednesday, April 3

  • Viking Highlights: State of the Union AU Style 
  • President Stephanie Herseth Sandlin and Augustana Executive Team; lunch provided 

Wednesday, May 1 | 5:30 p.m. | Fryxell Humanities Center Atrium | Menu TBD

  • Scherzo: AU Music on the Move in the 21st Century | Spring Banquet 
  • Dr. Peter Folliard, Dean of the School of Music




art exhibits



Leadership Team