Esports at AU

Augustana University Esports was established in 2022, and is the home of all organized gaming on campus — a place where students can put their gaming skills to the test and compete against other collegiate Esports teams.

AU's esports teams compete in the Collegiate Champions League (CCL), as well as Collegiate Valorant (CVal) and the College League of Legends (CLoL) circuit as part of its North Conference — hosted by Riot Games.

Augustana Esports

AU Discord Server

Interested in being a part of AU Esports? Scan the QR code to join the official discord server of the AU Esports Program. Here, you can meet other students who play the same games as you, follow important announcements about the university's competitive teams, work with coaches to improve your game or to just learn more. There's a place for everyone!

Esports Discord Server

Contact Us



Latest News

Augustana University is excited to announce the launch of its Esports program — the home of organized competitive gaming on campus.  

Prospective Students

Esports at AU

Prospective students who are interested in joining the Augustana Esports Program can apply for a spot on the university's team(s) by emailing Esports Program Director Chris Knutson. Students will be asked to submit videos of their gameplay.

Esports Tryout

AU Discord Server

Interested in being a part of AU Esports? Scan the QR code to join the official discord server of the AU Esports Program. Here, you can meet other students who play the same games as you, follow important announcements about the university's competitive teams, work with coaches to improve your game or to just learn more. There's a place for everyone!

Esports Discord Server

    Rosters & Schedules

    League of Legends Varsity Team

    • Top | Josh Gabel

    • Jungle | James Bennetts

    • Mid | Dillon Cassidy (Team Captain)

    • Bot | Dani Castellan

    • Support | Mustafa Mumtaz

    Competitive Schedule

    • League of Legends Varsity competes in the Collegiate Champions League (CCL) on Mondays at 8 p.m. CST.

    Rocket League Varsity Team

    • Ricky Garcia

    • Ben Kusie

    • Alex Poitra

    Competitive Schedule

    • Rocket League Varsity competes in the CCL on Sundays at 7 p.m. CST.

    Valorant Varsity Team

    • Anand Altangerel
    • Deepak Govindarajan (Team Captain)
    • Jayda Hoffman
    • James McCartney
    • Asher Rowe

    Competitive Schedule

    • Valorant Varsity competes in the CCL on Sundays at 8 p.m. CST.