Teen Town allows parents to pick gifts for their children (ages 13-17) during the holiday season. Parents are also able to pick gifts for their younger children (ages 0-12) thanks to the Salvation Army’s Toy Town. The Salvation Army also provides meal vouchers for a holiday dinner for the family to share and enjoy. The Holiday Clearing House created Teen Town in early 2000 to fill the gift gap for young adults. Serving and Learning Together (SALT) at Augustana University began the coordination of Teen Town in 2012. More than 5,000 gifts have been given to teens from 2012-23. Donations are currently being accepted.

Serving and Learning Together (SALT)
The organization behind Teen Town — Serving and Learning Together (SALT) — is a student organization devoted to service. SALT is a liaison between Augustana and the Sioux Falls community in finding, promoting and nurturing volunteerism.